Doc used to prescribe vicoden but swiched to flurbiprophen...?

How does that make sence? Last time they told me that IB profen wouldn't work b/c I own cysts not an inflamed anything. So I pick up my prescription and took it and it relaxed me but I still have lots of strain I have a doc apt tomorrow. Should I send for today or drink untill I can't feel the niggle until tomorrow? I'm not saying I necessitate vicodin I mean I'm not addicted or anything but why an anti inflamitory?


A lot of discharge !!?

The cysts could be cause out lying inflammation,thus causing you spasm as well. Vicodin is for short occupancy pain,that's why you own to take it every 4-6 hrs. Ibuprofen stays within the system longer easing pain AND inflammation,it is not merely used for inflammation. If your medicine isn't doing what you come up with it should, tell your doctor,but I wouldn't be going in near telling him he doesn't gross any sense.

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Your doctor is probably trying to hang on to you from getting addicted to vicoden... it's a sneaky drug and without your even trying you can become addicted past you even knew what hit you.. . the longer you pilfer it the better chances are of addiction... consent to your dr. know how you are feeling and tolerate him guide you to the best route to take

Has anyone ever come on within period three weeks untimely!?. If yes what dose this mean?..?

The foundation your doctor would have done specifically because of all the controversey over the addiction problems of those on Vicoden.If you read or monitor the is contained by epedemic proportions and now doctors grain under the gun to stop prescribing even to those who truly inevitability it.It is not right and I fear for those who do not name-calling it........but they are now calling it a poor man Heroin and politicans are threating doctors to NOT prescribe.

What do you think is better a tampon or a wad?

Don't forget that vicodin is an opiate based drug and ib profen is a anti inflammatory, your doc might own swithed you because of your healing status.

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