What cause this?? much aid is appreciated.?

I think thats how u spell it? Anway I am at the downfall of my 2nd trimester and I had a follow up beside my doctor Thursday, He told me that he wanted to see me posterior in a week. Because my blood pressure have been kinda big and I have already be to the hospital for it once. He said I could be developing pre-eclamsia, where I am young(17yrs).. Is at hand anything I can do to prevent this? he didnt really go into much detail until I jump back surrounded by next week for a bunch of test. What are the causes and effect of this? Its be worrying me sick since Thursday..Could it harm my newborn in anyway?

Thanks =)

Answers:    see
You can't prevent this. Younger, 1st time moms are at highly developed risk for this. The only cure for this condition is to deliver the newborn. The placenta is the culprit, b/c it is not managing the change within blood pressure from you to the baby. If vanished untreated it can cause you to own seizures from elevated blood pressure & therefore newborn could go lacking oxygen. He is watching you closely so he can determine when is the time to take the kid without taking newborn any earlier than needed, so mom & newborn have the best outcome.
OB/GYN RN Sometimes DRINKING A LOT OF WATER...while it is flushing our of your body...B6 will support; But NO MORE THAN 100mgs a day.start beside 50mgs. and excercise such as walking. I had eclamsia when i be pregnant...The baby turned out fine...I even deliver one month early...Things be fine with her! so i be very thank ful!!
What the first party told you is correct.
Do not take the suggestion of the second person who answered. NEVER lug any sort of medicines, vitamins, herbal supplements, dietary supplements, etc. short first checking with your physician. You never know how it can act in response with doesn`t matter what you might be taking now and how it might effect the little one and your pre-eclampsia.

All the best to you.
Just because you CAN get pregnant, doesnt necessarily show that you SHOULD get pregnant as its not for everyone. Pregnancy is a tremendous stress on your body. You may termination up on bed rest.
High blood pressure during pregnancy can be lifethreatening to YOU. Do what your doctor tells you. i dont cogitate there is any bearing to avoid this i had it when i be pregnant with my son i be 15 when i had him pre- eclampsia is a form of epilepsy very well thats what i herd i conjecture it something like the mortal pregnant releases toxins into the blood and thats why theres a spike in blood pressure the merely way to achieve it to go away is if they induce but heres some more info on it


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