Weight Problem?

I am 12 years old and 5f 5in and weigh 80 pounds. My appellation at school is twiglet. Am i underneath weight and if so how do i gain shipment.

I had surger for a swollen lymph node smaller number then a year ago, and?

you should ask your doctor and see what he say to you.

Bloated stomach?

well you could always amalgamate a fitness club I weigh 70 pounds and im 12 so dont feel fruitless

Is it bad within any way to hold painkillers for cramps?

Here is a way to numeral out if you are skiiny.I asked this question myself a couple of months ago. hope this help.

For the Ages 17 to 25 Age Multiplied by : 2.45 Kgs
If you want it in Pounds again multply the result of the above by 2.25 that will grant you pounds;
Indian Standard Height is in between 5'2" to 5'6" for women
Simple example:
Age 18 Yrs X 2.45 Kg = 44 Kg
44 Kg X 2.25 Pd = 99 Pounds
are skiiny.I asked this sound out myself a couple of months ago. hope this helps.

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