Does the pill put on bulk?

I have be on the pill for about 8 months, i hold recently comeofit...i hold heard i will put on mass, is this true ? Also how is most effective process of loosing weight from my belly nouns?

I am afraid to use tampons cause I'm afraid that the string will break?

Most nation gain weight when they start taking birth control, not when they stop. You'll probably be ok, purely be careful of what you get through and how much exercise you're getting. Cardio is the best way to lose consignment, crunches do nothing for you and situps are singular slightly better if you're not doing any other exercises.

How long?

The pill doesn't make you put on mass but it can give you an appetite thus ingestion more and putting on weight.

ope that doesn't nouns too confusing

How long does it take for Birth control patches/pills to work?

It is drastically possible for you to gain weight. I get off of the pill too. I gain a little weigh consequently lost it by exercising and watching what i ate. Just watch what you eat and you should carry on your weight

How do i acquire rid of a bloated stomach? im off on my hols within a week and feel discomfited?

i think it could. I did ,but my doctor said it depends on the being and the type of pill.

How can we avoid pain during sex?

The pill dos,nt,but you might!

Pregnancy risk?

You usually gain counterweight when you're ON the pill, and lose it when you come off. Because the extra hormones brand you hungry.
You can't spot-reduce but if you eat a clean diet with lots of fruit and veg and gain exercise, the extra pounds will go.

When I swim it make me itch down there. Any suggestions?

It is unusual to gain bulk on stopping the pill. Many women do put weight on while they are taking it.

Best path to loose weight is to munch through less and do more!

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