Extreme period trouble, oblige!!?
My period this month is really discouraging, it was 10 days unpaid, i have extreme pains ( so discouraging i can hardly type this!) i also own back tenderness, green dirrarea! and i feel sick. i usually enjoy quite desperate pains when i get my spell but never this bad! should i consult a doctor? i own also tried every pain contract killer on the planet, nothing works!
Have you try Midol? drink lots of hot river with brown sugar surrounded by it and eat everything thaw, nothing cold.
when your interval is over, start exercising and don't starve yourself
What would develop if you used prenatal vitamins if you're not pregnant?
it might be that you were below par before you get your period, and the length only made it worse. Perhaps try feminex (in the UK).If your term is too frequent you might suffer from polycyctic ovaries. They are nothing too uncertain, but still need to be cured.. see a doctor.
Why are you on yahoo? You should be discussion to your doctor. This could be the sign of something worse, not just a discouraging period.