Is it normal to menstruate on the 23rd time of the cycle?

This usually happens on the 26th light of day (min) or 32cd day (max)
I merely turned 34, I am not very mobile because of a stroke I have 4 yrs ago.
I have never menustrated so impulsive before.
Should I be worried?

I entail help!?

Normal cycles are between 24 and 35 days apart. Anything i.e. consistently out of this range wants to be evaluated by a doctor to determine the cause. Period abnormality can be due to many things including stress, mass gain/loss, thyroid, hormonal imbalance, infection, complaint, medications, polyp, cyst, amongst other reason. The only passageway to know for sure exactly what is going on is to see your doctor for an exam and testing.

Hi im 29 and going threw surgical menopause, i come up with im going crazy, can anyone help, plez i obligation suggestions?

Your body is always shifting. If you think within could be something wrong, don't hesitate to walk see your doctor.

Birth Control Question?

Each cycle is different maybe you be on stress and if you say you hold a stroke maybe it have to do with that. I focus the best thing to do is that if it happen again you go to a doctor. Anyway if it of late happen one time it could be for heaps many different reason cycles vary depending on the situation.

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