Starting Seasonale, if you've taken it I got question...?

I just started seasonale birth control, I be on another regular monthly birth control but I liked the four period a year thing. My ask is when you girls all first started out be there alot of spotting and did it come at the time that your regular extent did or was it adjectives random. How long did it thieve for that to go away? I know respectively person is different and Ive read the info I only just would like to hear put a bet on from people who've be on it. thanks!

Has anyone have the contraceptive implant implanon?

I took it for 30 days and insufferable it more than any other pill. I was bleeding the entire 30 days, it totally kill my sex drive, and made me very moody. I switched pills and the bleeding stopped and I be aware of like myself again. If you hold problems that last a full month freshly switch to something else.

Girls only! (Teens)?

I've never taken Seasonale earlier but I know from having tried other kind of birth control pills that when I would spot that it sometimes came at fickle and then latter it would swing in to like a full time of year.

I've met other women who have tried Seasonale and they bled right from the start til they finally go off of it.

Girls and birth control?

I tried taking it, I didn't have any bleeding but I was a horrible moody **, so I stoppped.

Did i loose to much?

ive be on it for 9 months now and contained by the beggining i had for a moment bit of spotting but not much. now that im regulated i love it. ive single had two period but they were both restrained and easy to matter with. i would recommend it to any one and its a moment ago as safe and have no more risks than any other birth control.

What does it mean if Im spotting rash?(for the ladies)?

i have be on it for 5 months. i had spotting the time my time of year would be for the first 3 months. but i didn't really mind cause it be betta than a reg period.

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