Thyroid Problems - Hypo?

I have be on medication for at least 7 weeks immediately, my Dr keeps increasing my Synthroid and I am hoping this will capture my life posterior on track! Does anyone out there know how long it take to get your heartiness back? I am truely flabbergasted going on for loosing some significant weight, but I want my animation to back to usual! I have adjectives the symptoms that are listed beside a Hypothyroid problem and my TH something test be extremely high and it is getting lower per every blood tryout I get taken, thank godliness! That would be cool if someone could let me know from in attendance own experience. Thanks a bunch if you respond!

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I have have hypothyroidism since I was 5. I am presently 26. When you are just starting out on your medication, it can clutch up to six weeks for your body to adjust (and that includes if you miss your medication days in a row) once you get on track, you will consistency good, but i've notice over the years that my dosage has changed every couple of years, and the level aren't an exact science. The doctors aim to stay with within a range of numbers. Myself individually, I feel better when my level are on the lower end, but for years they kept me on the highly developed end. It adjectives depends on your doctor.

"the pill" question?

I'm kinda surprised that your doctor have increased your meds more than once in 7 weeks because it can take a month or two for your body to adjust to it. It's usually a slow changeover so you probably won't just stir up and suddenly feel better one morning. On the positive side, after your level are more regulated, you'll only own to go within for blood work every 3 to 6 months. :) Good luck!

What are some of the BC pills out there?

It really depends on the severity of your condition. I get back on track inside a month, but my sister had one and the same condition (thyroid problems often run contained by the family) and hers was worse so it took her a few months.

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