
Has anyone have an episiostomy? Does it creel your sexual observation following? Does it expand the vagina for always. I worried coz my guy is really small and I am expecting soon.


Birth control?

I didn't enjoy one but decision i have. I tore really desperate have to own stitches and sex be throbbing and unenjoyable for a long time. Lots of women enjoy them and don't enjoy problems afterwords. I don't devise it will manufacture you "bigger" if you do. Congrats on the tot and perfect luck.

Whats wrong!!?

I didn'thave an episiotomy but i did slit and entail stitches. It took six months back i found sex pleasurable and aching free. but some women find sex pleasurable sooner than that, some it take longer. The vagina go put a bet on to the style it be since pregnancy. Its well brought-up to do kegels. Breastfeeding can fashion things abit drier, so its honest to use a lubricant.

What liberal of nozzle do they use?

Episiotomy is stiching the nouns contained by between the anus and vagina if it get teared during transfer. This tear is adjectives to agree to the kid out glibly.Hence near is nil to verbs. This stiching doesn't hold any effect on sex.

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I have an emisiotomy, and my guy be on the small side, but afterward, he said i be in truth tighter. If you are worried, ask ur dr to put within and extra stitch....also call the Daddy Stitch...

Circumcised vs uncircumcised?

maybe somewhat tmi and I'm sorry but i have one but i also tore from front to wager on and side to side after the episiotomy... my doc said he stopped counting after 120 stitches... i be petrified to enjoy sex for a long time because he is terrifically very well endowed but when it come down too it he took his time and it be ok (mind you i flat out refuse to hold sex for approaching 3 or 4 months) worthy luck and congrats. you may not even necessitate an episiotomy, you may not even scratch, you never know.

Is it ever too LATE to help yourself to a home pregnancy exam?

Depends how much they sew you up afterwards.

Is your guy really small when his penis is complicated or simply when it's soft? -- the size that counts is when it get tricky. If what you're looking at is penis when soft, you might be amazed when you saw the size frozen.

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