Ladies a give somebody the third degree for you....?

about piercing the vagina,...whats your take on that? anybody here contained by the house with a pierced vagina(clitoral hood)
my girlfriend requirements one badly and i m not sure i approaching it

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make sure u r contained by the room when she goes to the piercing place to own it done. Maybe if u put ur tongue on your clitoris at the same time, u can catch a tongue piercing too. Sorta like bloodshed two birds with one stone?? After six weeks, you can remove the earring and finally your tongue will be freed from her private parts.

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i dont hold one but i think thats gross

I've hear?

Why on earth would she do that? Who will pierce her male/female? I dont come up with that it is wise. A vigina is other moist and that earing can cause cancer or anything disadvantageous. Don't let her do it or she will regret subsequently.

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actually i donot own a pierced vagina but i read about it alot and the belief appeals to me i also read that it increases the orgasm but you can't have sex after the piercing for almost 2 months, it is very sexy but i won't do it

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i cant imagine the number of vigour problems that can arise from that and its quite the porn gal o whore concerned of thing.
but the most exalted scare is the condition consequences....thats why genital mutilation is prohibited.the nature of the vagina is not for piercings

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I have a boyfriend once who had his 'chief' pierced... apparently it made it more sensitive and it was a better idea. i've heard like peas in a pod for woman too.

if either you/her/both of you dont resembling it after she can remove the piercing and it will heal.

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my friend have just have hers done and she said it killed her when she go to the toilet for about a week after however it have doen wonders for her sex life , her boyfriend loves it im not sure i similar to the fact of getting it out for a bloke to pierce it in the first place instinctively i would not have it done but respectively to their own eh.

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I have have a horizontal clitoral hood piercing for about a year in a minute, and I like it. It hurt similar to hell when I was getting it done, but afterwards it be fine. It healed super prompt, and there really isnt much after effort for it. I have notice since getting the piercing, that it seems to desensitize that nouns. I have taken the barbell out a couple of times for give or take a few two weeks to give it a rest. Also, I bought a barbell call a rattle bell, which have a ball inside of a orb on each finish of the barbell, that causes a jolting sensation...alot of fun! I'm glad I got it done, and am wanting to turn for a vertical one next.

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