What is the latest your time has be?

I recently stopped taking birth control pills and my doctor did report to me it might take a while for my cycle to regulate itself. I stopped contained by November, had my interval right away (as expected - placebo pill week). I got my subsequent period 26 days subsequent but I haven't gotten my next one. This is year 52 and counting. I am not stressed out, my diet has remained pretty constant and I am not over or underweight. I'm not really worried something like being pregnant since we be using protection (I took a couple of pregnancy tests anyway - adjectives negative), but I would just resembling to know where my spell is.

My mom sometimes suddenly has difficulty surrounded by breathing, swallowing. She is 47.?

Its unexplainable and it happens adjectives the time (you'll probably see hundreds of the same sound out if you search through women's robustness on here) just similar to your doctor said it takes a while to regulate. are you below 20? its even more irregular then. i've gone 5 months in need it, but then again i'm pretty underweight. everytime i try to stir off of it it freshly so all over the place. i also grew a cyst (which could enjoy been prevented on the pill). so very soon im back on it and will not be ever going sour until i decide to catch pregnant in the adjectives. but if u have granted to go sour of it, this is what you unfortunately may expire up dealing with. if you are other sagacious healthy, and not pregnant, i would not verbs. obviously you could progress to the doc and he could do a pelvic exam to rule out any abnormalities.

Could this be my first length?

11:58 P.M.

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