How do you cure spots?

How do I get rid of my sopts, i own had them since i turned into a youngster...any cures, please let me know...!


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Everyone get spots as a teenager, some worse than others depending on your skin type.

There are a few things you can do. Drink lots of marine, avoid sugary foods and drinks as much as possible and wash your obverse in the morning and at darkness.

I got of birthcontrol pills 2 months ago, and still no term!?

Clearasil face cream, no fatty foods, smaller quantity sugar & no spot-squeezing.

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depending on how bad your spots are and if it is classed as 'acne' i ponder there is a pill you can receive from your doctor.

Discharge? Heeelp!?

go to a chemist quinoderm cream is good i use it i estimate thats how to spell it

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just wash your frontage everyday, they dont stay forever

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I own tried lots of stuff but it hasnt made them go away for appropriate. Might be coz I dont eat veggies. But I enjoy heard u necessitate to drink lots of water, use facial scrub..... and dont squeeze them - even though I still do

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Try and hold on to your pores as clean as possible. Things similar to facial saunas / steamers etc. are good but the definite thing is other best. Try to wear as little make up as possible ( better still, NONE )
Theres no overnight cure and at hand is some good proposal in most of these answers. Just try a few out, giving respectively a chance of 3-4 weeks.

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Although used more commonly used by women going through the menopause, primose grease tablets can really help near spots. My mum gets unforgivable acne and this helps her so I am sure it could do like peas in a pod for teenagers like us! I use garnier exfoliating gel, which really help, and I also combine that with the garnier pure A moisturiser. Try to get hold of plenty of sleep, and drink lots of water. Obviously, fruit and veg intake is vital too. You could try taking a zinc supplement aswell - I think in attendance is zinc in the garnier exfoliating gel - but a supplement would help the condition of your skin and nail. Zincs pretty helpful for a juvenile! Now most teen mags say 'DON'T PICK OR SQUEEZE' spots! But, (although this sounds disgusting!), I find that squeezing spots does sustain, IF you do it with verbs fingernails, clean away any puss, and verbs squeezing until a small amount of blood comes out, which actually cleans out any remaining dirt beneath the skin. But you should only do that near yellow (the puss) head spots really. I hope this helps - and don't verbs, you are not the only one near this annoying problem! Do they really think that us teenagers aren't stressed ample?!

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The best point that I found was to shower every afternoon and place your face close to the shower principal for 5 min changing positions. It seem strange but it cleared my spots and the sunbed helps to.

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I enjoy the same problem, i dont regard there is in truth a cure. I find that helps if i drink plenty of sea. Also i think sometimes the creams can take home my spots worse, so i just valet my face morning and dark with hose and drink plenty of water. Hopefully when i attain out of my teenage years they will stop!!

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Believe me! Evening Primrose Gel tablets! They are the best and they clear up your skin. I promise. Take one every daylight with food and dampen and you will see results. I am a 28 yr old womanly and I break out now and again and I still use Oxy frontage pads too. They adjectives work great on the skin. Christine

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