Questions almost a colposcopy and a biopsy?

I am having this procedure done tomorrow! I enjoy done a lot of reading on and it looks to be a bumpy experience! Can anyone give me a touch insight or even some reasurance? Thanks!

Is is bad workin out if youre on birth control pills? would the pills still be potent?

The procedure is actually rather quick (about duplicate length of time as a PAP) and is only slightly more mortified.

You will most likely experience some moderate cramping when they biopsy the surface of the cervix and some thickset cramping if they're biopsying the cervical passage. The cramping should finish off rather promptly after the biopsy is done.

You will probably spot for a day or two and might own some irregular period bleeding (if you're not using the pill), and possibly some cramping, but nothing worse than a term cramp. You should be able to rob some ibuprofen when they're done...don't take it prior because it may cause a bit more bleeding during the biopsy procedure.

You'll do fine. I had mine done and go back to work an hour subsequent!

Has Zoloft affect your sex drive?

no i had it done 3 times I guess in High School. I didn't be aware of anything. they set you just close to having a pap smear. They will lift a sample of you cervix .

I give you a site that shows how they do it.

Good luck

I hope your tests are glum.

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