Problems with my spell?
some women/girls hold more symptoms during menstruation than others. get to a doctor or Planned Parenthood and own a full check up.
it's possible that the "chunks" are just blood clots which can be conventional. you can relieve the pain near whatever works best for you. this includes a heat pad, advil, tylenol, and dampen therapy similar to a hot tub.
if you are sexually active, use a condom at adjectives times.
There's zilch wrong with you. My roommates have that too. It's just mundane.
I sont get this stuff nearly how to calcuate my period and ovulation date?
You might purely need to bring back in to the doctor for a check up and agree to them know what is going on. Some thing to suggest about is birth control does relieve regulate periods. You should not be have your period every two weeks and I know how miserable to be precise!! The hormones in birth control will regulate that problem and be paid you regulated better. Give it a try and get contained by to see some one. They will probably recommend this to you. Lots of luck and by the way a heat pad does give a hand allot with menstrual cramps!The pink entry could be some of the uterine lining i.e. shed with the extent every month but like the other posters I recommend seeing your dr to be on the protected side.