What would you do?

there are two girls 11 and 12 I know who smoke cigs and there mom who is 28 smokes with them. I hold seen them smoking cigs, cigars, and I mull over I saw them drinking. mostly just smoking cigs. What would you do?

Will the condom come out?

Call CPS or better on the other hand, have your mom call upon them to report the bad behavior!!

How much do condoms cost?

leave them alone and permit them screw there lives up if they want to

Stains, Cramping, and wager on achesa sign of period or pregnancy?

tell a guidance counselor, principal.

im 13 in november and i.e. just
disgusting how their parents let them
do that.

At age 22 how much do you own to weigh to be anirexit.?

Report her to CPS (Child Protective Service) becuz thats sick. She needs abet.

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