Blocked tube would you concieve atall?

if you had blocked or mishaped tube would you ever concieve?
i have an ectopic and people enjoy worried me by saying this channel your tubes are blocked or mishaped becauser the docters couldnt find a cause no infections previous surgery really worried docters checked after with ultrasound wouldnt that be visable and through laproscopic surgery when the ectopic be removed?

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I am not qualified so if my inference is worth anything then I ruminate you would be able to conceive I have an ectopic years ago and when it is removed they blow it through the tube, sounds awful I know only if that's the armour the tube would be clear and if you had a scan they would enjoy picked up on it I wouldn't worry too much in the order of it only you really should ask your consultant and he or she will distribute you the correct info. Good luck

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even if one tube was blocked you would not hold a problem as the other tube would not be so you can still conceive.

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Who are the people you enjoy been conversation to? If they are friends/acquaintances, I would take their suggestion with a pinch of saline.

Your ectopic may have be a complete accident. Sometimes embryos do not contain adjectives the correct genetics and this can end in them to implant within the wrong places.

Your GP should have be forwarded any results, so if you ask to review your medical file, you should know how to see what was said at the hospital - if you don't twig the medical terminology, your doctor can interpret for you. If they do not hold the results, they/you can request them from the hospital - I suggest you contact the doctor's secretary at the hospital where you be checked out. They will still have copies of adjectives the information and will be able to forward it to your GP.

Good luck.

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my gosh i think u r reading too much into what other relatives are saying to u, i would enjoy thought that if the doc suspected that ur tubes were blocked he would own told u and gave you option, worst case scenario ivf treatment, ectopic pregnancies can blight the tube the baby be growing in by either bursting or hurt when the doc removed the foetus, but u would still have a heathy tube gone and that would be ample for to get pregnant beside! i really think that you should stop worrying becos that will complicate u from getting pregnant believe me i kno! the minute u relax and stop obsessing ul prob find that u procure pregnant x good luck although i honestly judge u will be fine xxxxx

Sex Question?

If one tube is blocked the other tube can make you conceive.Even if both tubes are blocked surgical correction is possible.Donot believe what other relations say.Go to a qualified doctor and if you can afford best piece is to go to an infertlity clinic
and seize cured.Good luck

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