Health put somebody through the mill LADIES?

i'm having this white piece coming out of my vagina it really grosses me out i hate it! is it vaginal discharge am i gonna take my period contained by 2 weeks? and my whole body including my boobs be and are hurting (is that from growing? cuz i'm still under 18) i've my length for three yrs now if that helps

Need help.tubal ligation?

Um if it is resembling a cottage cheese texture then you own a yeast infection. If not it might be discharge, which changes as you stir through the monthly cycle.

Is there something wrong if my period continue to be between 45 and 60 days apart?

Yeah its discharge...

Is masturbation, contained by this day within age, really a 'sin'?

yep break out the rags

Do i wear a training bra (plz read details)?

it's basically puberty and it's normal. It's flushing out your vagina and describing you that it's healthy.
If the discharge starts to step brown or yellow or a different colour, and starts to smell really unpromising, you should see your doctor because it could be an infection. Also, don't have sex if you suspect an infection.. it's how STD's [sexually transmitted diseases] are spread

Tampons? Kotex?

You may be ovulating. If you are worried you can see your doctor.

If you enjoy a cyst in your breast does the doctors remove them, or what produces do they use?

Sounds resembling you may be pregant which makes you own a heavier vaginal discharge and makes your boobs hurt.

Disappearing hymen more?

I would step see your gyno, if could be yeast infection or something more serious

Women or teenage girls:?

I'm a nurse this is faultlessly normal. Don't verbs you are fine your body is still developing. Take care.

When should i cart it?

Nothing to worry give or take a few. It's normal. The white stuff is vaginal discharge. You'll see closely of that stuff through out the years. It's white and sticky. During your cycle it tends to translation a bit. Like, when you're ovulating, it'll look clear and runny, like egg-whites. Then, if you haven't gotten yourself pregnant, it'll turn vertebrae to white and thicken up. Also, your breast being sore is due to pms. Usually b4 your term begins you'll mind sore breasts, sometimes bloating, extra hunger etc. It's all sector of being a woman.

Is it everyday, to spot before, a childlike girls has her length, because she hasn't had her extent in 2 months?


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