Is it normal, to spot past, a young girls have her period, because she hasn't have her period surrounded by 2 months?

My daugher, started her period, when she be 10 1/2 years old; she have been delayed before, however she have never missed a period, up and until, for the concluding 2 months.

Yasmin birth control pill ?

It depends on how long she has be having her spell. You left out that one critical piece of information. The first year or so it will be very irregular but after that it should settle into a template. If she has have her period for a couple of years and doesn't acquire it this month then it is time to see the doc simply to be sure everything is ok. Your regular doc can handle this.

I wasnt competent to get my birth control this month-?

how dated is your daughter?sorry but could she be pregnant?(age related question)
is she under any stress?

Am i only just paranoid?

of course you should get her checked out, but at that age it is adjectives for girls to have a regular interval for a few months then not hold a period, consequently get one and it is deferred. It's like the body is trying to regulate itself and take on schedule.

I entail to know want is the best way to loss consignment.I have try everything to loss the substance.?

Perfectly normal, I am assuming she is still a minor and if that is the casing then she is still going threw puberty. Her body is still trying to find the right rhythm and she is constantly have hormonal fluctuations, However if she is 17 or 18 and having irregular period you may consider taking her to the doctor. Most doc's don't become concerned with regulation of period until they hit this age due to they are "out" of puberty so to speak.

I started mine at 10 and never was regular (later found out I hold PCOS)

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