Am I still GROWING...I turned 17 a few months ago?

I turned 17 a few months ago and am only five foot or close to five one and am 96 pounds...

Does anyone know what happen when you take the abortion pills? how long do you bleed if you do?

Can't give an account you exactly how much you will grow, but I do know that bones keep on growing until you are around 21. I don't reason it will have a drastic effect on your elevation though.

There's nothing wrong beside being petite anyways. From your measurements, I'm sure you look totally cute.

Its a girly query!?

You could still be growing your doctor could tell you. But more later likely your done im lately over 5'1 and 100lbs and im not growing anymore

Will long-term use of the birth control pill cause any infertility?

Everyone is different, it adjectives depends. But you are young, so you still hold hope.

How do you smoke pot?

You are only 17, puberty does not stop until you are 18. If you enjoy been this altitude for a while, it is highly unlikey you will grow any more. But, you never know, you could grow a bit more. Bout not much.

Just wondering what this is.?

Depends on when you started puberty, nobody is really sure, walk talk to your doctor.

What's up?

you are small to inaugurate with
most people don't stop growing til they are 18
and when you capture taller i hope you have more consignment on your body to look right

Help i dont no if im prego but i cant get a check done?

Females grow until their growth plates fuse, typically at or shortly after menstruation. Estrogen causes this to develop. Boys can grow until 18-19. No estrogen. This is why girls are typically shorter than boys.

Sorry, I think that you're not growing any more.

How do you know if your misscarying?

the human body on average will put up with a growing boost every seven years till the age of 21.
so yes you may still grow taller and gain weight.
as for how much next to out the proper tests that can not be answered on this site.

Should I hold more pills?

yes you are still growing. emotionally and physically. the only agency to know exactly how tall you will be is if you have been measured on your 3rd birthday. You bear that height and double it and specifically how tall you will be. your cargo will flexuate.

Spotting on birth control?

nope i dont hink so usually girls stop growing around middle school and freshman year of dignified school


Women almost always stop growing once menstruation starts. The bones fuse as soon as the breast start to develop, and then menstruation begin. If you have have all these things occur by now, you are not going to grow any further. I stopped growing at 13, I started my time of year at 11. Usually two years post period.

I go down on my bf yesterday, & now my throat REALLY hurts?

You turned 17....u dont stop growing until you turn if ur worrying dont...cuz u dont stop growing until 18....hope i help

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