I call for to tone my stomach up surrounded by 5/6weeks?(female)?
I need some tips..
Im a dancer, but i dont want to diet.
im dancing around 19 hours a week
Sounds alot but its not.
Im going to hold my stomach out on stage and im quite slender already but ive got that sortof little bit of podge at the front of my belly
Any tips
Answers: Cut most carbohydrates from your diet, especially beer, if you drink that. Do lots of crunches. Straight up 10 times, to the not here 10 times, to the right 10 times, and repeat. Lift your shoulderblades, not your neck. Relax your neck as much as possible. It should be entirely your abs doing the work - you don't even necessitate to sit all the way up. Lift your shoulderblades until they're completely sour the floor, and hold for 3-5 seconds per crunch.