My girlfriend wants to seize plastic surgery on her breasts.?

She is a 32c right now but she requests to get implant so they look better but doesnt want to go bigger afterwards a C. is that possible?

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So are you saying she merely wants implant to firm up and fill out her breasts to some extent adding size? Even next to small implants, she will gain a volume increase, but maybe with the sole purpose half a cup size. So she will still technically be a C cup, but a full C cup as unwilling a regular C cup.

She needs to see a plastic surgeon to find out if this is viable, she could merely have small implant placed behind the breast tissue or muscle to impart increased firmness and a little bit of a erect to the breasts. This will fill them out and brand them more perky.

HTH : )

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sure girls can get lift that make their breasts more perky

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If she's already a C cup and doesn't want to budge bigger than that, I think the with the sole purpose option she have is to get a breast lift up with no push in.

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I reason they look great as they are.

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i don't know i need to see a pic

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if she like to do it merely let her do this surgey but it better if she adopt her slef like she is

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i don't deem so
32 is just the extent of her chest, while the letter, C, is the cup size
the just way for her to seize bigger breasts would be to go bigger than a C

unless she a short time ago wants implant to make the shape, not size, of her breasts better

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yeah you can be paid them perkier and not bigger. you secretly know that you want her to own nicer boobs, but at the same time, you deduce if she gets them too nice, she might will you or someone else might want her and she will go near them.

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Get her out of it she can carry cancer.

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well we are suing a doctor over this enormously matter. THe surgeon used silly putty instead of silicone. My gf go from a 32c to a 44 long.

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it depends on whether or not they sink, it will depend a lot on your current evaluation of her if you guys are serious about respectively other. do you know if she is serious? maye she just wishes for you to tell her that you deem she's beautiful the channel she is, and if this is the case, THEN YOU BETTER BE TELLING HER OFTEN AND MAKE SURE TO SHOW IT OR SHE MAY DO SOMETHING SHE WILL REGRET LIKE GETTING IMPLANTS, she might own low self esteem and rather than implant, need love and encouragement. you should know....if your adjectives that close.

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She could budge to a larger c size. There is alot of information on this subject, just dig out it out, from before and after pictures, to procedures, etc etc.

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I think that she might be trying to attract more guys or probably you so you get to tell her that you love her only just the way she is. Besides haven't you ever hear of people that catch addicted to plastic surgery? Its possible and I'm sure that you don't want a fake girlfriend do you. Also it is probably incredibly pricey and if she gets this done it will probably cost you abundant dinner dates, movie date etc. Take the advice! Take it from a girl explicitly in the know!

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WHY? A woman's breast don't define her as a woman. Plus you own to take into reason the dangers of the implant.
Do some research on implants and the dicey after effects.

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