Im getting married in 2 days & i need for my interval to stop right away, can anyone suggest anything i can use?


How do i cure stomach bloating?

Well the way the doctors stop your period if it have been prolonged is to increase your intake of birth control pills. BUT this can be dodgy since it can cause you to own a stroke, heart attack, arithymias, increase in blood pressure and will cause you to enjoy another period in probably no less than 10 days. I am not a doctor and I wouldn't clutch my advice but to be precise how they stopped me from bleeding excessively. It also takes a light of day or two to stop ya and stupidity would be taking like alot so don't be stupid, only call and ask a doctor within the morning.

Should you do this and have problems next I'll just state here that you should want professional advice from a medical doctor and that since I am not edgemacated;) I am not a reliable source and can not and will not be held responsible. In other words you can't sue the "Village idiot" on a message

Late Period, odour?

If you're on your length now, you'l freshly have to linger. Get a prescription for birth control, and you can begin right after it's over. Sorry.

My Great Aunt's Problems (Warning: Gross)?

There is nil you can do if it's already started.

Period question.. girls sustain please?

how come you didn't plan your wedding after or befor your extent...

I have merely had a contraceptive bud fitted?

nope you've really waited a bit too long for stop it in a could have stoppped it roughly speaking 2 weeks ago but taking the pill at the right time....altho the stress of the wedding and worrying almost your period might spawn it late anyway....apposite luck

Rapid de-generation of fibroid trough coil insertion?

I remember something about man able to start the begining week in a pack of birthcontrol pills to stop it, do a google dig out to see what comes up.

How can I get more breast tissue?

Yes,Use your adjectives sense.You are having a essentially occurring event called menstruation. You would be fairly stupid to fool around with the possibility of injuring your self and your adjectives chances of conceiving by interfering near this healthy process.I would one and only hope your husband to be would be able to figure out this.

A few days ago i had?

I'm afraid near's nothing you can do once it starts.

I entail help w/ my birhtcontrol patch?

im sorry, theres zilch you can do. i got mine the hours of darkness of my wedding =-\

If u win chicken fox twice will that affect your conceiving a child in the future?

I don't know almost stopping, but I get my time of year to slow down a lot by making sure I run ibuprofen as it is perscribed to take on the box. I appropriate 3 or 4 every six definitely stops my sooner and slows the bleeding down closely. I'm sure that you know whether or not you can take this over the counter drug, so if you can, it's worth a try. Just don't be silly and thieve too many. Ony do what is perscribed. Good luck. And congratulations to you and your unusual husband for getting married!

I am attrractive?

Nope...looks like your husband will enjoy to swim the red river.

Upper and lower left abdomal twinge usually comes around time of period but not cramps read inside?

I am going to narrate you this and you may like it or not. I stopped my length by douching. It stopped completly and I go pregnant.

Am I too childlike to have breast cancer?

drink cinnamon as much as you can it help the uterus to increase contractions and increases your flow so finishes quickly.
win cinnamon powder and boil in water or milk the style you lke it more and drink as many as you can

Possible cancer?

gal, i have a sneaking suspicion that u just own to wait, wreak ur oeriod is already flowing out. if u haven't gotten ur period, n its due to come on ur nuptials day, u could simply go to the pharmacy n ask for pills to stop ur extent for a couple of days, n after u stop taking those pils, ur period flow will capture back to ordinary. i've tried it. n my period cycle is still run of the mill.

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