Getting stale the depo-provera shot.?

What kinda off symptoms couId I own after getting off the depo-provera shot. All I wanna do is sleep and munch through and I don't feel resembling doing much off anything anymore. Today I go walking and both sides off my lower stomach started hurting.


Urine infection?

I suggest you budge see your doctor, it’s the best thing you can do for your robustness.

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I guess the symptoms range from being to person... but you hold definately made the right choice coming off the hypodermic, its very discouraging for you.
My period took a few monts to come vertebrae and I ate a lot of sugary foods also.
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warning- I got pregnant the month I quit the shots. start an alternative birth control method, please! Depo is some serious stuff. Your body have thought it was pregnant ever since you started taking it. Talk to a pharmacist nearly withdrawals, they are the know-it-alls contained by a good path! M.Ds really do not know

Is it normal to win home sick?

I used depo but never had any issues coming bad of it.

I had more pissy attitude on it..not rotten it and never had pains...ask your doctor

Any intention why it took 8 months to be told that my peanut butter was poisonous?

I used to be on the depo provera shot in the past switching to the contraceptive patch and personally suffered no symptons. The lower stomach dull pain could be caused by some other problem and i would consult a doctor more or less this and tell them more or less your sypmtons and see if they can give any recommend.

Is period misery more intense if you've had sex?

When I come off Depo I never really make out but I gained a stone and a partly and I could not shift it.. It came on so speedy I never noticed it.
I be not with anybody and I hold no sex life for over a year. My period did not return. I had be seeing a guy for a while using condoms and a month ago I decided to turn on the pill. I have newly had my 1st month and get a withdrawl bleed which is the closest thing I hold had to a extent and now the substance is coming off and i am much happier.

How do you return with smaller breasts?

I had constant PMT whilst on it as in good health as gaining okay over a stone. I had to hang around until the end of the three months in the past the effects of the injection wore off.

It took over a year for me to shift the extra cargo which was really complicated for me to cope with as when I have previously dieted I could lose 7lbs in a week. Whilst on Depo-Provera my PMT symptoms be so bad that the doctor prescribed me anti-depressants which I refuse to take otherwise I could enjoy been addicted to them by presently.

I would said weight loss will be slow but your hormones will return to middle-of-the-road.

The aching which you are experiencing may be your womb contracting as the body be conned into thinking that you were pregnant whilst on Depo-Provera.

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