!! HELP!! Sex give somebody the third degree. Women's personal experiences only please. I be determined that. No...I DO!!?

In one sex session (so, one evening) depending on how high the man's sex drive is (in this crust, very high), how various times can he climax? Can he do it 4 times? I understand that he have to have breaks within between and arousal has to vary to get him "up" again. But is 4 times possible near a horny guy?

Serious answers only please. Much appreciated.

Breast Reduction- Thank holiness!!?

Hm. That's interesting. I didn't know they could do that. I thought only women could enjoy 3+ in one evening.
I guess it's possible...if he have a really high sex drive. You do enjoy to give him time within between. It takes him a few minutes to procure himself together again. *

*Have you ever read the exact physiology of a male o**asm? It's greatly different than what happens to us women. It's a wonder their little head don't pop off! LOL. Interesting stuff. :-)

I hear that if a female eat too much yogurt she will get yeast infections is that true?!!?

men are quicker and they usually own a hard time gettin aroused like peas in a pod day but if they do it will run a while, think of a muscle within your arm, flex as hard as you can beside all your might consequently let be in motion - its tired and you may not wanna go through that again until an hour then but a girl can do it as many times as we want but the man only just acts approaching he still "in the mood" and keep goin

Question about birth control and impulsive periods?

Yes possible.

Is it precarious for women to use vibrators too much?

Yes, definitely possible if he have a high sex drive. But you poor entity, he is never going to stop bragging about it, so be prepared for that. ;-0

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