I involve professional hellp?hhttyyt?
Bubbles? Your avatar name make you seem happy-- depression hits everyone- your enthusiasm can be euphoria to someone else- but to a depressed person, it's the bottom of the sea--see your kinfolk doctor- he can run tests and be paid sure it's not a hormonal imbalance- yes, PMS can be an all month commonness if your hormones or off- or your thyroid---if not, he can give you an antidepressant and their not bad---there are almost 50 on the market at least---I'm bipolar so I can relate......worthy luck to you....and again, it's not YOU, not the real you, see a doc.........
What's this headache, in enormously lower abdoman?
Because you have adjectives that to hide your furtive. Deep down lies the truth, that you are a lesbian and can only truely be blissful with a gf vivacity partner. Good luck babe!i wouldn't call it man depressed, i just look at it as self down, maybe you do more pleasurable things next to your bf and friends and even your family
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