Birth control examine?

I usually take my birth control pill at eight oclock every morning and i forgot to whip it today and its now almost one oclock. I know its not obedient to take it after thirty minutes of when your suppose to clutch it. Do i just skip the one today and help yourself to two tomorrow or do i take the one today that i missed and verbs on my normal agenda? How does it work?

Uti or what?

if you forget to take your pill prompt, you take it as soon as you remember.

There are special 'rules' depending on 'how' you miss. If you still own the booklet that came near your pills, they'll instruct you on what to do.

EDIT, here's what my booklet tells me. It's for Loestrin24Fe but I assume it's indistinguishable with adjectives pills.

if you miss 1 pill (active pill, not the period ones)
1) pilfer it as soon as you remember. Then take the subsequent pill at your regular time, even if it means taking 2 pills on like peas in a pod day.
2) contained by this case, you will not have need of to use a back up birth control method.

if you miss 2 pills surrounded by a row in week 1 or week 2 of your pill pack
1) purloin 2 pills on the day you remember and after 2 pills the next day
2)then transport 1 pill a day until you finish the pack
3) you could achieve pregnant during the next 7 days you restart your pills, use a wager on up birth control method

if you miss 2 pills in a row surrounded by week3 or week4 of your pill pack
1)keep taking 1 pill every day until sunday. On sunday, throw out the rest of the pack and start a up to date pack of pills the same day
2)you may not enjoy your period this month, but if you miss 2 within a row consult a doctor to rule out pregnant
3)again, you could get pregnant during the 7 days you restart your pills, embezzle another bc method.

if you miss 3 or more pills in a row at any time
same rules as the second one

This sounds really lame, but?

You should take it very soon and take your subsequent pill at the normal time.

If you still hold the informational insert that your pill pack came next to, you should read it. Many of them you can find online.

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jsut clutch it.. i never take it at the right times. lol

im fine


take it in a minute! and continue tomorrow. don't you ever lift 2 pills in matching day. better skip one,but don't rob it after 12 hours.
hurry up!

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30 minute rule is rubbish. There is an increased risk of pregnancy after about twelve hours. You should purloin the forgotton pill ASAP and continue tomorrow as middle-of-the-road. You should use condoms for the next 7 days but this is individual generally recommended if the missed pill is >12 hrs. I read above that someone said that you should not thieve two pills in soon - this is rubbish also.

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take it immediately, then tomorrow, that it the time you typically do.

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