Breasts getting smaller now that I'm past its sell-by date birth control?

Today I noticed my bra be too big, and just the other light of day I was going to go forth and get a bigger one because this constant bra was too small. I am also merely coming off the Depo shot. Is it average to have your breasts reduced surrounded by size after coming off of BC?

Too young at heart to see a gynocologist?

i lost wieght and ained boobs when i was on that shot and the other process around when i come off of it so yea i imagine so good luck

Do I hold PCOS?

The human body is continually making hormones, depending on your gender. That's what keep men looking like men and women looking approaching women. Hence why when some women get matured and their bodies stop producing estrogen, they begin to grow facial down and their voices deepen.

Birth control is, from my supportive, a type of hormone drug. Specifically, it's a female hormone drug. You're roughly giving your body *extra* estrogen. Therefore, your body reacts contained by a very feminine route: increased bust size, affecting your period, screw with your emotion, blah blah blah and all that correct jazz. If you stop taking it, your body thinks, "Hey! Where did adjectives the hormones go?" and begin to revert back to it's untested state.

I have hear, however, that if you take birth control for too long, your body can become dependant on it for it's estrogen and stop producing it's own. I can't confirm this, though.

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