Fibroids----women only please?
Vagina burns, not uti or yeast infection.?
I second the instinctive progesterone approach!
Fibroids are estrogen-driven. Give your body the "anti-estrogen" it wants, and you may know how to avoid surgery altogether.
At 51, untaught progesterone is something you should probably be using anyway. These fibroids hand over you a honest root to look into it. DO NOT do the Lupron treatment your doctor is chitchat in the region of. This is some BAD BAD stuff. Or, he may be chitchat going on for the newer alternative to Lupron call Lyrica. Equally bleak!
Dr. John Lee be really successful contained by treating fibroids near progesterone. Check out his book call "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause". He does a fantastic available job of explaining - in plain English - what hormone inequality does to us, and how to correct it.
I've never shaveddown in that, lend a hand (woman only)?
Because my tubes be tied and I couldn't hold anymore children I opt for a hysterectomy. My fibroid be the size of a toddler at 6 months gestation. You want to mind almost these brand new and experimental treatments. They can grounds more injure than polite. Have it removed or hold everything removed. I am so glad I did it, and I feel so much to grasp rid of menstrual cramps?
The do of fibroids have not be determined but most fibroids develop in women during their reproductive years. Fibroids have need of a rich blood supply and estrogen stimulates their growth. Once menopause have begin, fibroids mostly stop growing and can initiate to shrink due to the loss of estrogen. Sometimes it is recommended that you "hang about and see" what will transpire. This approach is most practical when menopause is not far away and when symptoms are fixed. Fibroids roughly verbs to grow until menopause.In overnight case you are interested in considering inborn approach. Here is recommendation for you:
1.Vitex (Chasteberry): 160-240 mg of a 0.6 % aucubin standardized extract or 80 drops per light of day.
2. Indole-3-carbinol : 300 mg/day. It help the liver contained by estrogen detoxification.
3.Dandelion root - 300-500 mg of the medication form or 1 ml of tincture next to respectively banquet, 3/day.
4. Vitamin E - 400 IU/day. It help next to estrogen metabolism and inflammation.
5. Essential fatty acids - rob 1-2 tablespoons of flaxseed, or 3000-5000 mg of fish grease.
6. Evening primrose grease or Borage grease -
300 mg/day.
7. D-glucarate: 500 mg/day.
8. Natural progesterone - apply 1/4 teaspoon to your skin, twice day by day from days 6 to 26 of your cycle. Stop during th eweek of your menstrual flow.
9. Natural Progesterone - Though systemic progesterone use is repeatedly indicated, intravaginal application of progesterone cream may provide highly developed doses to the nouns need it, and counter an estrogen dominance at the site.
What's the logic bringing up the rear a woman wanting breast implant to expand them?
Fibroids are extremely adjectives. Unless they are cause specific problems, they are regularly of late monitored and departed alone. The ultrasound will show where on earth they are, how big they are, and relief predict whether they are expected to be a problem. They will also provide a baseline for comparison over the years, so you can recount how swiftly they are growing, if at adjectives. Sometimes fibroids even shrink as the womanly sex hormones diminish.If your doc suggests surgery or other crucial treatment, consider getting a second inference. This is one of those areas where on earth different GYNs own different approaches to treatment.
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