What are some reasons that one's menstrual extent is delayed?

I am still a virgin so I KNOW I am not pregnant.

Ladies only please?

shipment,stress, sometimes i swear if you expect it, it doesnt come.

Do you ever just discern physically ugly for no use?

Age, hormonal issues, stress ...

NuvaRing Userlate period?

Anorexia and stress can hindrance a period.

Pad or tampon?

Stress, exercise, immensity, and just irregularity.

How Do You Get a Orgasm?( I'm A Girl) And How Do You Know?

In most women of childbearing age, pregnancy is the first guess. If you are sure that you are not pregnant, here are some other cause for missed or delayed periods that you could consider:

* Stress is main cause of missed or delayed period. Stress interferes with the conventional hormonal signals from your brain and it can block ovulation. This causes your cycles to become irregular.

* Thyroid problems also, again by interfering beside the normal hormonal pathway, can lead to a unpunctually period.

* Being overweight or underweight can also interfere beside your normal menstrual cycle.

* If you are on birth control pills or DepoProvera, the medication itself may spawn periods disappear. It is okay to not own periods when you are taking these medication, but it is not okay to not have period without any medicine.

* In most women, premature menopause is a very remote possibility. A height of the FSH blood level on the third time of your cycle will give clues as to whether you should consider menopause as a probable grounds

Too feminine?

Weight lose or gain,illness flu etc.,stress, alteration in routine,more or smaller quantity sleep all effect your system.

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