Is it safe to deuche day by day??


Uses of breast?

Doctors discourage douching because it can lead to serious infections. If devout bacteria similar to Lactobacilli are washed out of the vagina as a result of douching, fruitless bacteria can multiply uncontrolled. That leaves you widen to infections such as bacterial vaginosis, which is associated with a serious condition particular as pelvic inflammatory disease. The symptoms of bacterial vaginosis include vaginal itching, excessive discharge, and a fishy odor.

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No, conceivably once a week. Daily would wash away the fitting things that keep you full-bodied.

What do you think?

no, your body easily cleans itself out. If you did that everyday you could do some damage.

Can anyone give support to me with this please?

No and if you travel to a girl doctor she will advise you not to douche because adjectives it really does is push the bacteria up into you.

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No, you are wash away good microbes and disrupting your body's pH.

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no, it get ride of natural cleansers that our bodies hold, it can also mess up the ph balance and can inflict yeast infections.....try drinking more water.

My first length.. [Females only please]?

No, not that much.. You are throwing adjectives your PH levels out of whack. Dr. Oz say your vag area is close to a self cleaning oven. You don't need to douche.

Help aid help please. 10 points ;]?

i've hear that its probably not a good perception in the first place...

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No it is not safe to douche day after day. Your vagina has germs to maintain a decent environment in in that. Douching destroys all of the in shape bacteria, and it is in actuality not recommended at adjectives.

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Its actually not past the worst to douche at all! It clears out adjectives of the good microbes from your system and makes you prone to yeast infections so much easier! Do not douche....I don't comfort what people communicate you, it is NOT SAFE! Put the box down and slowly step away!

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Actually it's better to never do that. Your body takes comfort of itself naturally. As Dr. Oz voice's, "you have self cleaning oven".

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hun.....u don't entail to every woman has a crude cleaning system which is called discharge. but did a doctor notify u to for some reason?? but except that it is not safe to more than 1 time a week.

Good luck!

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st read this and it will tell you everything

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Not advisable. You need a clear in your mind amount of acidity to uphold a good pH harmonize or you can actually win a yeast infection .Just like taking a strong antibiotic can offer you a yeast infection .By killing past its sell-by date to much bacteria .

What should i do?

It's NEVER, EVER, EVER out of danger to douche.

If I have a term (not on the pill), does that automatically mean that I enjoy ovulated and that I am fertile?

my question is why would anyone perceive the need to douche day after day? ppl say its collectively not healthy to douche at adjectives....

Sexual activities?

It's not fighting fit to douche this often. I can see conceivably once a month right after your period, but except that, it's just not something that have to be done at all.

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