I missed 2 birth control pills.?

i missed 2 pills and took 3 right now. i want to know if this be the right thing to do and what side effects can i expect?

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Wrong thing to do. You aren't supposed to double up, unless it say you should in the instructions. By missing two and consequently taking a big dose you body is now going to shed the inside layer of your uterus, so expect a period and cramping, and possibly a headache.
When you miss a pill you should not double up, but verbs to take the everyday dose at your normal time and use a backup form of contraception (ie condoms) for the subsequent seven days. If those seven days will take you onto your placebos, skip the placebos and start a tentative packet of active pills instead.

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I deem the correct way would enjoy been pocket two today and two tomorrow. You may have break through bleeding. You should use condoms if have sex for a few weeks to get your body rear legs in establish.

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you missed alot. Don't have sex for approaching a week without a condom and don't do this any more because you will draw from pregnant. try setting your phone alarm at a certain time. other have them beside you and the side effects that the doctor told me i was going to bring back if this would happen to me be nauseous more than ever and probably freshly feeling grotesque like something is not right on your system.... apt luck

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i was told if you miss one, double up the subsequent day and use condoms for the subsequent month. but i am in a monogamous relationship and don't use condoms any other time. i assume if you are not later you already use both and would need a third method of protection. if you are just with one personage and trust him to be faithful, of late use a condom to avoid getting pregnant. as far as side effects, i know of people who enjoy taken a whole months worth not knowing what they be taking and were fine. but if you are really worried roughly it call your doctor! Good Luck! and remember a oilskin!!

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Usually the instructions for your dedicated brand of pills are on a little folded up sheet of article in the pack. That'd be the best place to look. As a broad rule, if you missed two pills, taking them both as soon as you remember is the right thing to do. Missing more than two scheme you have to walk to elaborate methods similar to skipping the placebo week and whatnot.

But one thing you absolutely need to do immediately is use backup contraception for at least the subsequent 7 days. Missing multiple pills gives you a somewhat good providence of ovulating, so you need to be extra cautious for a while. If this is a recurrent problem for you, why not try the patch or the ring?

Depending on how sensitive you are to hormones, you may own no side effects, or some nausea/spotting for a few days. They'll clear up.

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