Oh my gosh. period cramps aid?

what can i do to help these awful extent cramps. they hurt soo bad. pleasee anything that can assistance, besides medicine, because its not helping! thanks

Women merely?

Try taking a Hot Bath .. Sounds yicky during this time however decide which is more substantial at the time... Relieving pain ...

if you don't similar to that... Try a heating wipe that is what I would use.

Lay on your tummy on the floor.. Sometimes the pressure can relief.

Granted you said you tried meds however 3 Aleve seem to lug away a little twinge.

Being acive verses lay around will help... Try going for a brisk totter , come home eat a peice of fruit.. I know sounds crazy... after grab your heat pad favorite blanket and pillow and crash.

And later but not least.... This is gross but it will work... If you are elder and sexually active have sex will relieve some pain.. but flawless luck at that.... Most guys will run! LOL... Try in the shower... Depends how fruitless you actually grain... Sometimes if they are bad plenty this does help.

Secondly, make conversation to your OBGYN about alternatives ... see what she can tender... She may try some birth control pills to help beside the pain.

Good Luck.

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put a heating wad on your stomach.

Yes im 8 weeks pregnant but that should not be giving me any excuse to eat the amount of food one is?

Take a prescription dose of any ibuprofen or naproxen and use a hot water bottle.

If you're chokin on a cheezit/cheerio CAN U BREATH THREW THE LITTLE HOlE?! ex boyfriend think u can. actualy.

im a gymnast and before i started gymnastics i have HORRIBLE cramps after i became more involved they got smaller amount and less bloody and finally i dont get them! so i suggest anyone VERY active and streching

Tampon issues?

You are not intensely likely to capture much help from alternative therapy. Usually NSAIDs (anti-inflammatory) or hormones especially the oral contraceptive will help. Go wager on to your GP.

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When I was younger, I occassionally get cramps so bad that I almost threw up. I have a nurse tell me to steal ibuprofin and use a heating wad. Over the years, I've had frequent people notify me various other "remedies", but nearby is nothing that help as well as those two combined - I promise!

A personal put somebody through the mill for girls and women only?

Avoid caffeine especially chocolate....caffeine would take home me cramp up more. I used to get really desperate cramps too during my period, I insufferable the taste but Ginger tea help the blood stop clotting & sooths the cramps. It was the with the sole purpose thing I know to work. I now treat my daughter next to Ginger tea. One can buy it at the health food store, or it may be within your spice cabinet. one teaspoon to 3 cups of water boiled....simmer 15 minutes or so...make a payment honey....curl up with a heat blanket & enjoy the high temperature & soothing affects of the ginger tea. It also helps near nausea....

Yeast infection gone?

heat pad put tea heaps in microwave and wrap contained by wet towels fry it up and put in pelvic

How oodles other ladies here break out in pimples when you start your spell?

First thing, Ibuprofin doesn't work for me, Alieve does though. My mother used to bring a prescription of Aleive back when it be not over the counter. It works really well for 12 hours (take 2!) and take about 45 minutes to work.

An herbal remedy that works is Evening Primrose Oil capsule, ask your health food human resources about that if they know their stuff.

Another alternative suggested by my mother who is a physical analyst, is to lay on your back, and put your legs up within the air against something, but not so that they are pretty straight. If someone was kneel in front of you and you have your ankles on their shoulders, that's about where on earth you'd put your legs. Turn your toes slightly in, and that relaxes your uterus adequate so that it stops cramping.

You can also go to the doctor because some medical conditions can cause really doomed to failure cramps... Not to scare you, but if they're too unpromising, go to a FEMALE doctor!!

Hope this help!!

Persistant nausea?

waaaaah!! am suffering from it now! i put heat pads within the pelvic area and lower tummy. you can also buy the stickable ones contained by stores so you don't need to get the impression bulky carrying it.

for me, eating chocolate help...and i don't like chocolates that much.. i dunnu why but it help. oh yeah, when you feel resembling fainting, in a flash chew on hard candies, it may pinch around 3-4 pieces for your sight to find back to common from blackening out. low blood sugar causes this.

another faster nouns is drinking hot water.. not melt. a little hotter than heat up. hot enough but not to burn your tongue. it's a faster than hate pads because it's from in. gulp it down. not sip.

good luck to us! >.<

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