Am I fat or not?

I'm almost 15 years old, 5'7 and 116 pounds. People inform me I'm too thin but adjectives I see is fat. The BMI enormity says I'm underweight [on the border rank ofunderweight and desirable] but it says that Tom Cruise is obese, not freshly overweight, so I don't trust it. Anyways, all I see on my is big thighs, big hips, and portly. Am I fat or not. And if I'm not butter, is there any style to convince myself that I'm not fat? How do I lose counterweight??

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Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is characterized by an excessive preoccupation near a real or imagined malfunction in your physical appearance.

People near body dysmorphic disorder have a distorted or exaggerated vista of how they look and are obsessed next to actual physical characteristics or perceived flaws, such as a certain facial characteristic or imperfections of the skin. They repeatedly think of themselves as shocking or disfigured. People with body dysmorphic disorder commonly have problems controlling cynical thoughts about their appearance, even when pleased by others that they look fine and that the minor or perceived flaws aren't noticeable or excessive.

Treatment for body dysmorphic disorder may involve a combined approach involving medication and chitchat therapy (psychotherapy). Antidepressant medication used along with cognitive behavior psychotherapy can help population with body dysmorphic disorder have power over the obsession and anxiety roughly speaking their appearance, increase confidence in how they look, and obtain normalcy surrounded by their social and work lives.

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Honey, you seriously have need of to get some give a hand. AT your height, you are roughly speaking as thin as you should be, nonetheless you want to lose weight. This is not a immensity problem, but a psychological one. TAlk to your parents, teacher, friend, butplease chitchat to someone and get relieve.

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OMG!! you are still growing. I am 5'6 and weigh more than you and I am not fat. don't listen to those idiots! they probably own an eating disorder. you are newly fine!

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Get a life-size piece of paper from an art store. Draw your body on the thesis as you feel you look. Lay down lying on what you drew and have a friend or kinfolk member outline your body. You will clearly see that your mind is making you see yourself sturdy when you are really not.

This is a lesson that was used on a class I attended for ingestion disorders.

You also need to natter to doctor and he will help place you beside an eating disorder psychotherapist that will help you.

Take attention...

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i have friends that are proud of their counterweight,
and they arent even fat!
it may appear like lubricant when you look down at our stomach
but what i realized is that it's more than it seems
it lately makes you freak out
seeing more than in that is.
and if anyone calls you overweight,
they are probably jealous because
you are solitary 116 lbs!
im 13 and me and my friends weigh more than that.
and we arent over weight.
((not concieted, we took a test))

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no you're bony

Can someone relief me please?!?

A person who is 5'7'' should counterweight between 130 lbs to 160 lbs. You are underweight for your height.

What is wrong i am so confused?

If you start exercising and keeping track of your required day by day values for food and taking vitamins, you'll feel much in good health, more toned, and won't focus so much on your "big thighs, big hips, and fat." You're not large, by the way. Hypnosis may minister to. I wouldn't recommend pills though since you are young, your body is still developing, and you are underweight. With those three combined, it could seriously affect your stormy wellbeing.

The BMI extent does not take into consideration muscle bulk, which is why alot of atheletes are considered overweight. Tom Cruise probably has a home gym and works out 5 hours a morning, so I wouldn't worry in the region of him. However, the BMI is adjusted to the average being's body.

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i think you are a short time ago right. i should be so lucky
and forget about TC

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Unless you have a really small body frame, afterwards you are slightly underweight. I can't imagine you individual big or fat within any way, shape or form. You most unambiguously need some professional back for your body image issues, past you end up near a full blown eating disorder.

Take charge : )

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no you are not solid you are below average for weight.
at that stage you should weigh 135pounds.
so no you are not fat you are skinny.


no, you are far from anyone fat!

i used to enjoy the same problem. i'm just about an inch or two shorter than you and when i was at 115 pounds, i thought i be so fat and deformed.

powerfully i started college this past drip and gained my freshman 10. immediately i feel worse than ever and enjoy realized that i be NOT fat formerly.

don't let yourself contemplate that you're fat. it get to the point where you'll do ANYTHING to lose counterbalance, trust me, i know.

be happy near yourself, most girls would kill to be at that immensity.

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teenage girls exagerate what they should be like.
its something call body dismorphic view yourself wrongly.
when you underestimate yourself,you seize stressed trying to "correct" yourself.your head get tired.
The continuous stress you impose on yourself prevents you from making polite choices as you are constantly mentally tired at the thought of " i'm fat, i'm not overweight,i'm fat,i'm not lubricant..."
This will make you lower your standards when its time to mediate yourself in the facade of a situation of where your social stature matter,and you could end up making wrong chjoices.
cool desirable girls don't do 90-60-90 cm. they are in recent times cool.
because cool is the opposite of stressed...and cool girls resembling theselves the way they are...they deal with to take concern of themselves...and this makes them attractive.
Stressing yourself to release about a problem that does not exist could ruin your vivacity.

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