Help plz!!!?

ive just started smoking and im pregnant what should i do

Birth control pills and starting interval?

umm. you need to ask?
You can be a quitter I allow you!!
please, please, please.

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Stop, It's not pious for the baby or you!

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you should try togive up smoking iother wise it will creel your baby too.

Do your breasts grow??

Stop smoking! If you don't after your baby will suffer the consequenses. If smoking while pregnant, afterwards your baby can grow up beside learning disabilities, physical dyphormities, etc. It may even die surrounded by the womb. I know it will be hard to stop, but you must. Not solitary for your health, but your tot's life!

Good luck!

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Remember every time you inhale the cigarette you are giving nicotine anf eight hundred other chemicals to your child.if you want to kill your child keep hold of smoking.

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smoking causes bleeding during pregnancy,abortion, fetal defect.
&u know other side effects on general condition.
SO,the decision is surrounded by ur hand

Pls someone enlighten me, i have really small hips hw can i variety them a bit larger?

Smoking can stunt the growth of your child. Stop now, however easier said than done. Your baby is your priority.

Can i marry a girl whose father have vitiligo? is it a heriditary? is ther any chance of girl geting this desea

stop! even though its thorny and i know its hard because i smoke myself but its your responsibility to look after your child and the best article to do is stop

Im have LEEp perform in the morning and am particularly scared around it can any1 who has go through this help?

well you've purely started smoking so it wont be too difficult to give up, subsequent time you have an appointment at the clinic beside your midwife talk to them roughly speaking safe ways of quitting sometimes quitting cold turkey can be too stressful on you and the child resulting in miscarriage so its best to find out the safest way possible but do cut down past your appt

Has this ever happened to any woman during her cycle? *see details*?

Stop smoking.

How much twinge should I expect after this surgery/procedure?

If you just started it shouldnt be too intricate. Smoking during pregnancy is pretty selfish and disgusting. I smoked on and stale for 7 years, when I found out I was pregnant, I simply stopped drinking and smoking that hours of darkness. It's enough motivation to stop to know that in that is a child inside of you.

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