How much pain should I expect after this surgery/procedure?
I am having a cervical cyst removed (the surgery papers vote a legion on my vaginal wall), a D&C and a laparoscopy all done on the 18th of this month. I am not so much alarmed of the surgery, moreless anxious, because I really want to know why I am bleeding all the time and have chronic pelvic distress, but am nervous nearly how much I am going to bleed, for how long and the pain factor. I am used to have my period every 2 weeks so the bleeding isn't so much an issue, but the affliction of the lapsroscopy, D&C and removal of the cyst itself. I've researched all 3 on the network and know I will bleed for probably a couple weeks and have affliction for a while (along with no sex because of the uplifting process), but I am looking for personal experiences. I know every woman is different, but has anyone ever have any of these procedures performed? I would assume no tampon use for pretty a while, especially with the removal of the cyst. Can anyone share their experience?
My friend have a pap and she was told she have no endocervical cells. what does that mingy?
Well I have have both procedure done though at different times, and never was within pain. The D&C they kept me overnight, but consequently it was 11:00 when they did it. The laproscopy I be in and out. No backache just rather cramping and blood.
You should really get to a doctor and ask adjectives the questions you hold asked on yahoo.
I've got you on my 'friends record' and you only ever ask question about medical strength.
I'm starting to think you're:
A. A hypocondriact
B. Writing a book
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