Can u explaine the similarities between the pink rose with its petals, scent,... & the h, femal vagina, petal?

* I think,The Human feminine pruductive part (vagina) is completely approaching a rose.
* do u agree with that, ple write & explaine ur thoughts.

Why would my nipples be so sore?

I guess the both look and smell drastically pretty. Some people do put away rose flowers, I have never eat a flower but I have kissed a lick a vagina which is a lot of fun. I would a bit have a vagina to delight in than a rose, but a rose is better than nothing.

I be diagnosed with Edemetretrios five years ago.?

they smell different

Doing ''it'' childish?

Hmmm... I can see a theme running through the question you ask on here.

If you have a urinary tract infection can it bottleneck your period?

In some tantric forms of practises from Asia the woman's genitals are referred to as the Lotus, I would suspect for the similar use you think it is approaching the Rose.

The watering of the plant and relationship to it's blossoming and opening into full bloom is also used to a great scope to describe certain states of arousal.

It is along the symbolic lines that you are thinking along I think.

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