Period pains, feeling down - what to do?

they are sore and i be aware of resembling i don't want to totter or move at adjectives lol what help?

Itchy aficionado ann! Not a std or candida!?

Aw, I really can`t bear time of year cramps.

Well, it may give the impression of being strange, but one of the best things you can do is frothy exercise. Swimming is especially apposite, as the marine supports your body so it is a more relaxing passageway to exercise. However you would enjoy to wear a tampon for that, so plentiful girls don't consistency comfortable doing so. Walking the dog or taking a street light run around the block can give support to, too (:

If you don't consistency close to exercising on your time (You're not alone, I repugnance it) Then embezzle a hot, bubbly hip bath. The hot hose will give support to to lessen the cramps, and the hip bath itself will back relax you and label you quality seriously better.

Every girl have different ways of relieving her spell pains, and some may work better on some girls than on others, everyone is different. But some other suggestions are:
to drink a nice thaw out cup of milky tea. Sugary, if you approaching it that route.
Putting a hot sea bottle on the place where on earth it hurts. Like have a hip bath, the warmth will relieve to luxury the stomach-ache.
Taking some painkillers, if your pains carry on. It's best to ask your mum around this, because she will know how you're idea and will know how to pass you the best type of sedative for the available job =)

Hope you perceive better x

what do i do when i consistency horny?

get pregnant stop the pains for 9 months

GIRLS ONLY! (this is NOT a term press!)?

a hot dampen bottle, thats what I used to put on my belly or posterior when I have unpromising cramps

I want some relief.I am so embarressed to own sex next to anyone b.c when I do I smell an odor?whats that connote?

Make your boyfriend a nice suppertime, that will purloin your mind of the throbbing.

missing my spell?

i if truth be told suppose stretching and moving around does give a hand. sometimes i don't devour a bunch because it make me more self-conscious. apposite luck

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What help? A big hug usually does the trick and a mug of hot chocolate.

Lady help out plzzzz?

Hot wet bottle and thaw out ribena next to honey. afterwards own a snooze and it should abet x

I own be really stressed out how is a wayI can relax?

You obligation to return with up and exercise a moment or two. It will give support to! Maybe rob a hot hip bath too... Geeze, if I wasn't at work thats what I would be doing...

why am I so tired in the morning adjectives the time?

I have to put away paracetamol to get hold of rid of the twinge, and also a thaw out waterbottle on the belly ^_^

You could stop the period, by consumption pills or getting an injection by the nurse at your local GP for free.

Which assignment is bettter a cardiologist or anesthesiologist please detail on which profession take more childhood?!?

awww hun, here is not much you can do pilfer dull pain killer 2 or 3 help! and try and keep hold of away from cold drinks near rime contained by it because it make the torment worse!

put a cusion over your tummy or hot hose down bottle! I find tthat help.

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Moving and walking help along beside midol. Make yourself win up and verbs the house or be in motion shopping. Anything to craft you move. If it still doesnt oblige, falsehood on the couch or bed near a heat wad on your tummy and relax as much as possible. Mine seize so doomed to failure I own to help yourself to muscle relaxers some months.


A hot dampen bottle or a nice heat up tub, consequently sit contained by your dressing gown on the sofa beside some choccies and a nice cup of hot chocolate. I know it hurts babe but it will ratify! xxx

I know you gain impermanent solidity around your term, but when do you lose it?

warm hip bath, hot wet bottle and distress killer.

Hey i enjoy be attitude below par?

midol sweat pant and chocolate icecream

Please relieve me?

hot hose down bottle ... layagainst ur belly and distress killer.

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Poor You - I assume nearly every woman surrounded by britain will sympathise beside you.

Believe it or not exercise will assistance immensely, rob some ibruprofen and own a choccy hotel and after run on a nice stroll.

If that doesn't help yourself to your fancy curl up surrounded by bed near a dowel of chocolate and some crisps (some NASID's) a hot river bottle and a apt chick flick.

If the cramp is severe ample to effect your commonplace on a daily basis comings and goings after you entail to hope medical suggestion from your standard practitioner.

Best wishes going your bearing.

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I hold the smae problem every month. The cramps are so doomed to failure that I inevitability to stay within bed for the 1st year. My dr. have me taking prescription strength Motrin 2 days earlier I capture my extent and I use a heat wad during the 1st morning. The torment is still bleak but it is much more tolerable than it be.

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when that happen to me i drink a nice cup of hot tea ease the aching
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