How uncommon are septate hymens?

I was wondering this because adjectives the websites I researched said they were sporadic and uncommon. I've other known here was something "off" down in that, but until I found those websites I didn't know what it was. Now I quality incredibly self conscious about my body approaching I'm some freak mutant.

My boyfriend told me he doesn't mind and that he doesn't see a problem with it. We've have sex and its still there, which make it even worse because it gets contained by the way sometimes and its even more crushing than it is already,

So do you know how uncommon they are and any ways I can have a feeling less freak resembling? I think I a short time ago need some encouraging advice.

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A septate hymen sometimes is formed when the hymenal ring does not completely resolve and leaves a "vertical band of tissue" contained by front of the vaginal opening. Many times this "fastening of tissue" is flexible and can be stretched gently. This will allow you to pushed aside the tissue to allow insertion of tampons. If the tissue is not flexible or too gummy to allow insertion of tampons, the tissue can be easily excised next to outpatient surgery or sometimes even in the clinic beside local anesthesia (depending how much tissue needs to be removed). The surgery will not raison d`??tre any harm to adjectives fertility or sexual intercourse. If you are very dismayed about this, you can own this removed. And if you are not willing to ask your parents give or take a few this procedure, you may wait until age 18, when you can brand your own medical decisions. If you are competent to see your doctor, you can have this examined and ask him or her question about it.
It's not as unusual as you might feel. You need to wish what you would like to do, it doesn't nouns like your boyfriends minds.
Check the site out below, it might reassure you. :)

I haven't have a period since Sept. 05" & i'm not on any birth control method why am I not have periods ?

Your body is pretty. It's a work of art. Obviously the man in your duration agrees to that. I don't know if you should have anything DONE, roughly speaking it. Any surgery to your genitals usually does more harm than fitting in the close. Just try and relax. Enjoy the good things that you and your partner can do. Don't be so anxious going on for the things that aren't NORMAL, per say. Just delight in your body, and your life.HAVE FUN!

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they aren't adjectives, but they're not abnormal any. If its interfereing and sex isn't breaking it, you do have the risk of a short and simple procedure at the doc's. basically he'll purely sever it. no big deal. You're CERTAINLY not a freak and shouldn't quality that way and i GUARANTEE your guy doesn't reflect theres anything wrong with you any. it's likely that eventually sex will snap that little trimming, but like I said, a doctor can do it for you amazingly simply, which may be an especially appealing option if you are self concious around it. good luck!

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