Anyone ever get their period when almost finished with the white pills in the bc pack?

Tri-Sprintec is the brand just switched over from ortho-tricyclen this month. Usually return with my period on third of fourth white placebo pill but still haven't get it. Anyone who uses Tri-Sprintec that has same problem?


Switching pills is big-hearted of the same as starting from chisel. Your cycles can be screwed up for a bit. If things haven't improved after three months, consequently you may need to translate pills again. I had to try 5 or 6 different pills for at most minuscule three months each until I found one that worked for me.


I hold not tried Tri-Sprintek, but I don't think you enjoy to worry! Since you only switched from Ortho, it could take up to three months for your body to fully adjust to the unsullied pill. This is what I have hear from various gynecologists. Hope this help!

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