Has anyone heard of Maca?

Its either a herb or plant extract? I hear that it helps to re-balance adjectives the levels contained by your system, especially hormones during pre menapause? Also can this be taken with vitamin B complex?

My friend hasn't have a period surrounded by several years and she want to get pregnant. she be to doctors no luck?

One of the best hormone balancers for peri-menopause (pre-menopause) is Agnus Castus, otherwise known as Chaste Berry. It is used by peri-menopausal women to try and regulate hormones that hold become irregular at this time and there are quantifiable studies on that. It is also used by women with symptoms of PMS/PMT - as a hormone balancer it can abet alleviate symptoms. Also, it has be used by women having some difficulty conceiving due to a hormonal disparity.

Here is a link on Agnus Castus:


HRT related.?

i have hear of it, try looking it up in the search engine or look through a zipzit roll

I clean my vagina by queefing underwateris this ok?

Lepidium meyenii or maca is an herbaceous biennial plant or annual plant (some sources say aloud a perennial plant) native to the glorious Andes of Peru. It is grown for its fleshy hypocotyl (actually a fused hypocotyl and taproot), which is used as a root vegetable and a medicinal herb. Its Spanish and Quechua names include maca-maca, maino, ayak chichira, and ayak willku.

The growth dependence, size, and proportions of the maca are roughly similar to those of the radish and the turnip, to which it is related. The stem is short and decumbent. The frilly leaves are born in a rosette at the soil surface, and are continuously renewed from the center as the outer leaves die. The off-white, self-fertile flowers are born on a inner raceme, and are followed by 4-5 mm siliculate fruits, each containing two small (2-2.5 mm) reddish-gray ovoid seed. The seeds, which are the plant's solitary means of reproduction, germinate inside five days, given good conditions, and hold no dormancy.

Maca is the only branch of its genus with a fleshy hypocotyl. The hypocotyl is fused next to the taproot to form a radish- or inverted-pear-shaped body roughly 10-15 cm long and 3-5 cm wide.

Maca is traditionally grown at altitudes of approximately 3,750-4,350 m (12,500-14,500 ft). It grows all right only within very cold climates near relatively poor soil. Although it has be cultivated outside the Andes it is not yet clear that it have the same constituents or potency when this is done. Hypocotyls do not form contained by greenhouses or in heat up climates.

For approximately 2000 years maca has be an important traditional food and medicinal plant in its growing region. It is regard as a highly nutritious food and as a tablets that enhances strength and serenity and acts as an aphrodisiac. During Spanish colonization maca be used as currency.

How many orgasms can a woman hold in 1 session?


Im 11stone and almost 14, i no thats overweight but am i obease?

It`s for women within the menopause, helps beside hot flushes etc.You can take it along next to any other herbal remedy, vitamins etc. - harmless and crude. Works as well - apparently.

Symptoms of menopause?

Lepidium meyenii or maca is an herbaceous biennial plant or annual plant (some sources voice a perennial plant) native to the large Andes of Bolivia and Peru. It is grown for its fleshy hypocotyl (actually a fused hypocotyl and taproot), which is used as a root vegetable and a medicinal herb. Its Spanish and Quechua names include maca-maca, maino, ayak chichira, and ayak willku.

The growth obsession, size, and proportions of the maca are roughly similar to those of the radish and the turnip, to which it is related. The stem is short and decumbent. The frilly leaves are born in a rosette at the soil surface, and are continuously renewed from the center as the outer leaves die. The off-white, self-fertile flowers are born on a inner raceme, and are followed by 4-5 mm siliculate fruits, each containing two small (2-2.5 mm) reddish-gray ovoid seed. The seeds, which are the plant's individual means of reproduction, germinate inside five days, given good conditions, and own no dormancy.

Maca is the only beneficiary of its genus with a fleshy hypocotyl. The hypocotyl is fused near the taproot to form a radish- or inverted-pear-shaped body roughly 10-15 cm long and 3-5 cm wide.

Maca is traditionally grown at altitudes of approximately 3,750-4,350 m (12,500-14,500 ft). It grows powerfully only contained by very cold climates near relatively poor soil. Although it has be cultivated outside the Andes it is not yet clear that it have the same constituents or potency when this is done. Hypocotyls do not form contained by greenhouses or in heat up climates.

For approximately 2000 years maca has be an important traditional food and medicinal plant in its growing region. It is regard as a highly nutritious food and as a medication that enhances strength and staying power and acts as an aphrodisiac. During Spanish colonization maca be used as currency.

Uses and preparation
The nutritional value of dried maca root is big, similar to cereal grains such as rice and wheat. It contains 60% carbohydrates, 10% protein, 8.5% dietary fiber, and 2.2% fat.[citation needed] Maca is rich in essential minerals, especially selenium, calcium, magnesium, and iron, and includes fatty acids including linolenic acid, palmitic acid, and oleic acids, and 19 amino acids, as all right as polysaccharides. Maca's reported beneficial effects for sexual function could be due to its high concentration of proteins and necessary nutrients.

Small-scale clinical trials performed within men have shown that maca extracts can heighten libido and develop semen quality. Larger studies are needed to confirm these preliminary results. In pernickety, studies on men with sexual dysfunction and prearranged infertility are needed. None of the studies conducted so far show any effect of maca on sex hormone levels.[citation needed] After 22 days of Maca treatment, the masculine mouse's mating behavior increases.

No toxicity have been reported.

Maca is consumed within several ways in Peru. Pit-roasted maca hypocotyl is the most adjectives preparation and is called matia. A glutinous, sweet decoction of maca is made by boiling it in water for several hours (necessary given the altitude). Dried maca roots are also commonly mixed near milk to form porridge. It is frequently mixed with other vegetables, grain, or potatoes, or made into flour for baking. A weak beer made by fermenting maca is specified as chicha de maca. Maca smoothies, made by pureeing maca with sea or milk, honey, cinnamon, and fruit are also gaining popularity.

The toothsome leaves of Lepidium meyenii can be used as a leaf vegetable, cooked or unprocessed in salads, and are similar to those of its close relatives Lepidium sativum (garden cress) and Lepidium campestre (field pepperweed).

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