Belly cooking oil?
Thanks! ^_^
Answers: You cannot spot reduce. But, if you drink fewer carbs and more proteins and fat, you'll gain lean muscle mass.
That is, your weight won't budge down, but your body fat percentage will condense. Plus, you'll be much healthier. You should try slowly doing this by eliminate carbs that are just excess sugar, close to sodas. Then, you can try to eliminate breads and make smaller fruits.
do sit-ups. crunches, and lay on your back and hold your legs six inches above the ground hm only just like sit ups and leg raise on your back for your lower abdomonem - but return with a personal trainer or something to show you how to do sit ups properly and breathe properly
You can't spot reduce overweight. You have to drain overall body fat and repeatedly the fat around the middle is the closing to release.
I also tell my clients to munch through smaller meals more times (5-6) per afternoon. When a body is starved it will store fat. When it believes that times are angelic (when it's being nurture good nutrition often) it will release chubby.
I have written a page focusing on a 3 pronged approach dealing near Detoxing, Nutrition and Exercise (especially body weight exercises, which you can do surrounded by your home).
Good luck!