(girls only, guys don't know anything about this...) What are clues to know when your period is coming soon??

A lot of the time i feel similar to i'm REALLY close but i don't know. Don't tell me to read a book i own i need some proposal from girls who have be there.


Also sermon to me at my 360


Has anyone ever taken Bactrim during pregnancy? It was prescribed to me for a unpromising spider bite.?

boobs are sore, need chocolate really tired

What is the best type of birth control?

red spots on underwear, cramps.

Question for girls next to their period?

Acne, Irritability, Cravings are adjectives signs for some that the period may instigate soon, Also you may feel achy and experience pain

Has anyone tried the drug estratest its a *hormone* pill?

I get surrounded by a cleaning mood, about a week b4.

I hold really big knees and small calfs?

you dont need to read a book adjectives you have to do is perform cool and dont tell any one what is going on ok. ps ever entry is going to be ok.

No period contained by over 8 weeks! What could be wrong?

Well everybody is individual and we do not all draw from the same signs but I can index a few that I know of.
1. Cramp like agony in the belly either to the disappeared or right of the belly button, depending on which side you are ovulating from that month, approximately 10 days before menstruation begin.
2. constipation (when you normally hold no problems with your bowels) approximately 3 days past menstruation.
3. slight abdominal distension approximately starting one week before menstruation.
4. and some society say that they hold to have chocolate 2 to 3 days prior to menstruation.
Hope this help you out, but really you will have to craft your own diary for your body clock. Your body will try to let you know it is only just a matter of intellectual capacity, excuse the pun, your own body language.

Please serve me understand this?

yuo be within a really crabby mood..u will get cramps feel bloated..so remeber to eat bannas when it comes result in that helps near the cramps.causre cramps hurt ALOT!

Would YOU adopt a child to save it from mortal aborted?

cramps, pms, sudden mood swings, your down near starts to hurt, munchies? yeah.

I had my tubes tied going on for a year ago and I was newly wondering if I could still have problems climaxing.?

Well, I'm a guy but I'm also an RN, and yes, we guy nurses have to learn adjectives about "feminine issues" too - including attending a number of births. Some of the clues are abdominal bloating and mild cramping, swelling foot, mood changes, and roughly a feeling, which most women cram to recognize soon after they originate menstruating, of "aw crud, here it comes." Not all women experience adjectives these symptoms, and you are likely to find from month to month that your symptoms alter a bit. If any of these sorts of things happen to you and are terribly uncomfortable, speak to your doctor. Menstrual cramps - which we're not discussion about here - can be awful, but your sound out and my answers were almost premenstrual signs and symptoms.

OK, I need give a hand with this!?

get moody,cramps,boss aches,gain tired,acne,and red spotting

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