Yeast infections caused by condoms??

First off i enjoy had yeast infections for ages, and it be originally because of birth control pills. Now, i am off them, and i am wondering if condoms beside sperimicidal lubricants could cause condoms? I a moment ago saw my doctor and she said it could be stress, diet, etc. Its not diabetes or STDs, because i have be tested for both. I never had a yeast infection until i be 18 and i am almost 22 and i still get them adjectives of the time! It is driving f-ing nuts!! My boyfriend and i no longer have unprotected sex because of the yeast infections. What are the likelihood that beer could cause them (because of adjectives of the yeast, or is that silly??)? How about oral sex, why would that wreak them? I am trying to find out the cause of my yeast infections next to my doctor, but i really don't know what in my diet would raison d`??tre it?!? I know if i eat yougurt it would be biddable, and i am not really sure. Please just endow with me some advice! THANKS!! (p.s. i am not really worried something like cures i have my own :) )

when u r on ur peirod do u bleed smaller quantity when u are more active afterwards just sitting?

Have you read adjectives about yest infections? If not read every site on this page

Foods that contain sugars, starches and yeast do "help" in the continuation of the infection. You will find lots of direction on these websites. Good luck and do not give up.

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