Has anyone tried the Trojan "Her Pleasure"?

What did you think?

Breast augmentation surrounded by their 40s?

I personally didn't surface any difference...but you should try different kinds/colors/textures, see which you like and don't approaching...as long as you're using condoms and you both are enjoyingit, it shouldn't matter which big-hearted. Have fun!

my girlfriend?

yeah i did! they are very accurate and comfy. i suggest you use them!

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Yeah, it didn't really manufacture a difference. It doesn't hurt to try, though. ;) Especially if it will encourage you to verbs to use protection, that is polite!

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Yes, I have. I did enjoy pleasure, but no more than with anything else. If Trojan really wishes me to have pleasure they should come up beside a spray on condom that instantly neutralizes any STD on sperm and make them incapable of penetrating an egg as they shoot out. Now that would truly be her pleasure and his too.

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I did not notice a difference . . . put the money toward a bottle of whip cream, that is more fun anyhow, and sure to please both of you.
Also beside the His pleasue. . I and he noticed alike lack of difference. . for this substitute I reccomend a bottle of Hershey chocolate syrup. . for alike reason. . .

But on the minute of protection you should definalty be using it all of the time. Even if it does not hold a great perk package.

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i own and honestly - they felt exactly duplicate as any other condomm =/ now im on birth control and umm yeaa very soon i can notice a difference ;]

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