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what is a pelvic examine... what do they do? is it scary? wut does it be aware of like? does it hurt? i hold to get one soon! HELPPP

I'm waiting on results of a pelvic ultrasound, ordered because of severe affliction in my ovaries and lower hindmost.

A pelvic exam is basically what is specified as a "pap smear." It is usually done by gynecologists, but also may be done by primary care doctors.

They examine your vaginal nouns by opening it up next to special tools. It does not usually hurt, but it can be uncomfortable. They scuff your cervix (bottom of your uterus) with a tool resembling a "pipe cleaner."

It sounds like you are immature...maybe you should discuss to a trusted adult that can run with you to the exam or collaborate with you give or take a few it in more detail.

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Just make sure to relax. What will ensue is that you'll change into a gown. The doctor will come in and you'll put your foot in stirrups so that your legs are apart. She'll use a tool to enlarge your cervix (I know it sounds gross but it's not). As long as you stay relaxed it won't be painful. If you clench, it will hurt. Be sure to pee up to that time going in, and then when she open your cervix, do the thing you do when you pee and your muscles will be relaxed. She'll later take a token of your uterus to send to a lab to check for cancer. Then she'll put 1-2 fingers in your vagina and check for any cysts on your ovaries. Then you're adjectives done!

I know the first one is scary but after a few you take used to it. Be open next to your doctor, she has to keep hold of everything that you two talk roughly confidential.

Oh, and just so you know, a nurse will be present during the procedure to fashion sure nothing "funny" happen.

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A pelvic exam is when your doctor or nurse practitioner inserts a speculum into your vagina which allows them to open it up plenty to see your cervix and take some swabs of sample to see if there are any remarkable cells. It can be mortified because of the pressure but you definately have to relax your muscles. Let the being doing it know that you are extremely nervous and this is your first one, next they will know to be very tolerant and gentle and educate you how to relax, because that is the biggest entity! After the speculum exam they usually do an internal and insert their 2 fingers into the vagina and feel for your ovaries while pressing on your tummy to check for any abnormalities. It should be truthfully quick - 15 minutes should be adjectives they need
It shouldn't hurt, you will feel pressure and it will have a feeling uncomfortable

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You've get some great answers and advice so far.

My lone suggestion is to ask the Dr to use a child size speculum. If this is your first pelvic exam the Dr probably will use a smaller one but it would be wise to mention it to him/her anyway.

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