11 year old with a yeast infection?

My daughter just come to me concerned that she has a yeast infection, she described to me whats going on and from what I know around discharge ect Im sure thats what it is.

My question: Can 11 year olds use the OTC Monostat or anything it is that women use? Or should I take her to a physician?

Thanks for Replies.

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The OTC creams are fine for her, however my concern is that she is so young. I expect it's probably okay to treat this one yourself, but if she gets another one she should see a doctor. Unusual yeast infections (like extraordinarily frequent, or in young at heart girls), could be a symptom of diabetes. Hopefully it's just a irregular occurrence, but if it happen again, definitely cart her to a doctor! Good luck!

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She wants to be diagnosed by the doc. You cannot just self diagnose a yeast infection if she have never had one until that time. Yes an 11 year old or any age can use yeast infection cream. THose creams are duplicate ones used for jock itch and athletes foot. Because this is a first time infection and you cannot be sure what it is she needs to be see by the doc.

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Take her to the doc. There are things that hold symptoms of a yeast infection, but aren't. She needs to be professionally diagnosed and I'm not sure if the typical meds would be appropriate (safe) for a child.

I hope she's not too miserable...those things are a DRAG!

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You should take her into the dr's.They other wanna diagnose it cause it could be something else.Usually you dont see that to much in younger girls but it can begin from wiping the wrong approach to anything else but i would take her surrounded by just incase its not that.

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here is the site or u can call a local drug store :


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the best thing to do is to run her to her doctor. the other counter medications may be too strong for her.the doctor will prescribe something to suite her age span and that is not too strong.

within the meantime she can wash next to anti septic or biotic wash such as septol or detol to alleviate the effects of the infection. be sure to take her to her doctor as soon as possible to avoid any worse nouns of the infection.

hope i helped.

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The bacteria that cause yeast infections is resident in about 96% of adjectives humans... It is an opportunist that strikes when the immune system is suppressed. Thus any age can be affected...

As a first time subject of the yeastie bugs, she does need to be evaluated by an MD... I would suggest an OB/Gyn specialist a bit than her pediatric or general practioner. In the adjectives she will be able to self treat them, but the first requests a visit, no issue what the age..
Best wishes,
Ed, RN

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PLEASE---NO---do not put anything in her---its ok---bubble baths end in yeast infections in little girls---colored crotch panties---powder---

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Take her to the doctor. Over the counter products only relieve symptoms similar to itching and discharge but the infection will still remain. The doc can give her meds to wipe out the bacteria

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Not what you want to hear, but we be taught within school that you should other go to your doctor for the first time you reflect you have a yeast infection. Also - Sometimes the symptoms of a bacterial infection and a yeast infection can be especially similar but require 2 different medicines to clear them up. It's really virtuous that you are being so supportive and that she can parley to you about these things.

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Yes, she can use the over the counter products such as monistat. My daughter is 7 and have had a couple of yeast infections starting at age 3. The doctor said that some females only develop more candida (yeast) than others and told me to give her the over the counter meds. If that doesn't work, I would embezzle her to the doctor or see if the doctor can call surrounded by a medicine call Niastatin. They have prescribed this for her previously for the yeast infections too. I do agree with the other individual who said that yeast infections are a sign of diabetes so if she gets another one I would noticeably let the doctor know. My daughter have had probablly three or four within the past 3 yrs. and is not diabetic. I did enjoy to stop letting her take a tub. She only showers presently and I watch what soaps she uses. Once she stopped taking sit down baths, her yeast infections did give the impression of being to become a little smaller quantity common. I hope this help you. Good luck! :)

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