I was diagonsed with dysfunctional uterine bleeding and only prescribed doxcycline for an infection too.?

I was diagnosed near dysfunctional uterine bleeding and only prescribed doxcycline for an infection along beside the dysfunctional uterine bleeding. I need to know what will surface now and if I should ask them if I call for a D and C and any other forms of treatment. I assume that in the ER, they would've give me something, but I am still extremely exhausted and in severe pain near cramping. I sometimes have clear discharge that pours out and spotting of brownish blood. What will arise now near this diagnoses and what should I consult with my doctor in the region of?

What age do you need a mammogram?

I hope that, when you be discharged from the ER, they gave you a copy of the labs that be done there and some report from the visit in that that you could take to your own ob-gyn for follow up. If not, you can call for the medical records/health information dept. of the hospital where you be seen and hold them fax the info. to whomever you're seeing for follow-up. When you call to brand name an appt. with your physician, request a "tryout of cure" which is just a a culture to verify that the antibiotic cleared anything infection was present.. Then describe to them adjectives the bleeding and pain, and other symptoms you've have. There will be some other diagnostic tests done(blood work, ultrasound, possibly an endometrial biopsy) so that a proper diagnosis and treatment plan can be made. Sounds approaching you need to move forward near this soon since you're still not feeling in good health. Take care.

Any proposal for a person contained by need of a working deodorant?

you should reconsult the doctor or transmutation the doctor.
he/she must diagnose the cause of dUB.
must treat it first.transport some drugs like hemostatic , hormonal and if u dont go and get relief after D & C.

Have any ladies had one of those days that you freshly feel blue?

Just see your gynecologist.

She can answer adjectives your questions.

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