Brown spot / pregnancy - PLEASE HELP!!?

i recently (last sunday) took some birth control pills as plan B (took days 1, 25-28 of the pills). took another pill (day 2) 12 hours following, one for the next dark adn the night after that. the birth control pills i took be two different types. and now today within was for a while light brownish mucus mixed beside the white from a yeast infection. ive had cramps - pms cramps for similar to 3 days now and get the impression like im all set for a period but am not to win one for another two weeks. Also, i was on antibitiotics for 5 days at the time. whats going on? is this implantation bleeding or ovulation bleeding? please back!

Girls only!?

If you have sex you may be pregnant. But if you didn't take the pills as directs or the ones you be supposed to, then yes it can mess up your cycle due to the hormones. Take a pregnancy testing if you are concerned or go see your doctor. But I'm pretty sure that your body is a short time ago acting that way because of the hormones. Good luck.

women receive pmt but men SUFFER because of it.true or false?

What I don't really get is what do you tight "plan B" ? Did you only purloin those pills that you listed and why? I am confused. YOu are probably spotting because of the grotesque usage of your pills. Your body is probably confused. I wouldn't htink you are pregnant. Go to your doctor if you are still having the spotting. I am sure he or she can sustain you figure things out. Good Luck!

Do your cycle swing or go wager on to normal after a miscarriage?

I don't really carry taking all those pills. What's plan B? First of adjectives the antibiotics will render the pill ineffective. So if you had sex, yup, you could catch pregnant. You don't specify what the implant is.
You're body is of late reacting to the everything that's be going on with it lately. You may gain your period sooner because of it. Before you totally freak yourself out...consult your doc.
Good luck.

For the ladies?

I am on the IUD. And I can relate. I be on th pill in days gone by. Yet they caused really impossible. And bothersome side effects. I kept yeast infections quite commonly. And one of the pills I use to take. Would hold me all natural on my inner. And outer labia. Everytime I went to pee. It would burn the hell out of me. Your body could be,a moment ago adjusting to this bright pill. If you heven't taken them before. Then that's why you you. Are experiencing these change. The dosage could be too high. Or perchance your hormones,aren't compatible enough next to the chemicals. Inside of this pill. When you ovulate it isn't the color. That you have described. The pill tricks your body. Into thnking that your pregnant. Until your body adjust to the change. You will own these symptoms. Which sould last no longer. Than 1-2 weeks precisely. If it persist for much longer. You will need to want a doctor. To take you past its sell-by date this pill. And place you on something else. I hope this helps a bit.

Is there a course to?

In general, antibiotics create birth control pills less important, so I imagine they may brand name the pills for Plan B less decisive, as well (but I don't really know). Those pills might enjoy caused your cycle to catch messed up, and you're starting your period hasty. Or you could be experiencing implantation bleeding and cramps (I had implantation bleeding when I get pregnant, the spotting lasted 2 days, but I also have bad cramps for a few days previously, during, and a few days after the spotting).

You need to transport a pregnancy test, but it might be too precipitate yet. Call your doctor and transmit him/her all the details you've mentioned here, and ask when you can cart a blood pregnancy test.

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