Women only...?

when i am near starting my time i get the worst stomachpains and headache ever. i feel tired, sluggish and can't move with the strain, i have to lift up to a week off to recuperate almost every month and sleeping is the only piece i can do to stop me feeling the niggle. i don't know what it is i am going to see the doctor but i just want to know if any other women own experienced something like this earlier? (p.s. i have be told it is not PMT)

Do you think if you own a tear within your vaginal wall from having intercouse that this could incentive you to feel?

Yes, I know what you are wadding. I get cramping i.e. crippling. I also get tired and enormously emotional. I go to this site and it lets me track my symptoms. You could enjoy pmdd. I hope your seeing a woman doctor. They could help you out better next a family doctor. You may hold a to be put on birth control. I took that for a while and it worked really good next to my symptoms. Birth control balances your chemicals contained by your body. I hope all that help. here is a site for the pmdd i was chitchat about..
hope you find wat you stipulation

Women Only please ?

my friend throws up when she has her interval

Have you heard of taking Acidiphillous vitamins to support keep away BV & Yeast infections?

Yah i def know how you quality...mine are the WORST && im only 14 but why dont you try birth control?!

Help needed from ladies?

a lot of ladies have one and the same prob. get on birth control. birth control really help shorten and lighten period and make them more barable.

How can I relaxation period headache pills dont work?

Find another doc..this is not in the area of run of the mill..not at all..really, it's worth the trip to the doc to assistance, you are losing a week every month..not to alarm you but you need relief. good luck.

I own been diagnosed next to a anteverted uterus and intramural fibroid on the right lateral wall of my uterus?

Every time she would get her term, a good friend of mine would draw from deathly sick. She would throw up, have horrendous cramps, and feel primed to die. It ended up that she have an ovarian cyst. Maybe this could be the culprit.

Why is it that when women live together, their menstrual cycles ten to sync up?

Yes I definately have. I used to get hold of that plus I'd get EXTREMELY shaky and grain like I be going to pass out. It turned out that I didn't hold enough iron surrounded by my blood so I took extra. They also gave me mild birth control pills to fashion my period lighter.. and it help pretty well. Just have a word to your doctor when you go, they will serve you, because they know best!

Why i am eating too much?

I used to enjoy such problems until my doctor recomended me birth control pills!After 3 months I got rid of them!

Blurry eyes?

yes your time of year is doing that to you ,i have matching symptoms and alot of times i get sick to my stomach,and can't win enough sleep it's awful.i've have to get doctors follow-up to stay off work at the dawn of every month.midol will help the cramps and bloatness.

Any direction on how to help my sick mother? What is the rationale for this sickness?

well I don't know what PMT is but if you feel this style every month and your Dr isn't helping you then turn to another one. I don't agree that it's not "normal" because everyone is different, but I'm sure that there are things that you can do to control your symptoms. Also you can jump to a Pain Management Center, they help plentifully in controlling stomach-ache so that you can go on beside your life.

I would undeniably make sure that you see a Dr though, because nearby is no reason to suffer of late because you're a woman. PS. If you're Dr is unsympathetic (meaning they tell you, it's a extent you're gonna have headache, cramps, etc) go to a masculine Dr. Stinks I know, I have endometriosis and couldn't carry my female ob/gyn to even listen to me. I go to a male, he know right away what it could be and treated it. He didn't say, We adjectives have cramps honey.Good luck.

Minor Herpes?

well my friends cousin get it when she was 10.it be to early for her so everytime she get her period she have to go to the doctor because of the really very fruitless cramps and all the misery!somwtimes its been so extreme she have to go to the hospital(shes gone 3 time)shes 13
so go to the doctor

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