I have been diagnosed with a anteverted uterus and intramural fibroid on the right lateral wall of my uterus?

I have search the web and nought really explains to me what either of these diagnosis mingy. I have be 'feeling' this fibroid alot just this minute and appears to be growing bigger causing a thought of a large mass on my right foot side. Can anyone explain if this is normal and what intramural and anteverted uterus imply. Also if anyone knows of any inherent ways the fibroid could be shrunk, I would be grateful to hear of them. Thanks in credit.

Has any one heard of Mosaic Turner syndrome?

Let's see if I can give a hand. Anteverted uterus refers to the direction the top of the uterus is pointing. Some are anteverted and some are retroverted. Anteverted is the most common and fitting position of the uterus. This implies that the top is towards your front, or tummy. So at hand is nothing wrong near that. It is completeley normal--now on to the fibroid issue.


Fibroids, or myomas, are growths or benign tumours that form inside the uterus (womb). Around four in 10 women over the age of 40 will have fibroids. No one know why fibroids develop, but it is suspected that the sex hormones - oestrogen and progesterone - play significant roles. This is because fibroids rarely grow contained by prepubescent girls and postmenopausal women. Pre-existing fibroids stop growing, and may even shrink, once a woman passes the menopause. Fibroids normally cause no problems, but may occasionally be associated beside infertility, miscarriage and premature labour. Other possible problems include substantial, lengthy and uncomfortable periods. Treatment depends on the size, number and location of the fibroids, but may include drugs and surgery. Fibroids not often turn cancerous.
Different types
Fibroids are categorised by their location, which includes:
Intramural - growing in the uterine wall. Intramural fibroids are the most common hotchpotch.
Submucosal - growing in the uterine lining (endometrium). This type tend to cause excessive menstrual bleeding and time pain.
Subserosal - growing on the exterior wall of the uterus. They sometimes appear similar to long stalks

Generally speaking if it doesn't bother you too much, just permit it be.

My girlfriend wants me to pee on her. Is that mundane ?

Well if you were diagnosed afterwards your doctor should be able to grant you those facts a find a way to relieve you. If not, get a second feelings and drop that doctor.

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